e-sevakendra.in website is a unit of E Seva Kendra Ahmedabad Gujarat. At E Seva Kendra (e-sevakendra.in) we provides services for various government schemes for urban and rural citizens of India at your doorstep to avail all the benefits given by our Government. At e-sevakendra.in (E Seva Kendra Ahmedabad) you can avail more than 125 government and private sector services like, Pancard, Aadhar Card, Ration Card, Ayushyaman Card, Abha Card, Incom tax Return, RTO Work, Birth/Death Certificates, Marriage Certificate, Food Safety License, Trademark Registration, Name-Surname Change Gazette Certificate, MSME (Udhyam Aadhar Certificate) etc work will be provided at your doorstep.
e-sevakendra.in website is a unit of E Seva Kendra in Ahmedabad Gujarat. At E Seva Kendra (e-sevakendra.in) we provides services for various government schemes for urban and rural citizens of India at your doorstep to avail all the benefits given by our Government. At e-sevakendra.in (E Seva Kendra Ahmedabad) you can avail more than 125 government and private sector services like, Pancard, Aadhar Card, Ration Card, Ayushyaman Card, Abha Card, Incom tax Return, RTO Work, Birth/Death Certificates, Marriage Certificate, Food Safety License, Trademark Registration, Name-Surname Change Gazette Certificate, MSME (Udhyam Aadhar Certificate) etc work will be provided at your doorstep.
e-sevakendra.in (E Seva Kendra Ahmedabad) website is launched to provide these all services at your home. Our Professional team is available 24X7 to help you to avail any government scheme or services.
All types of government, semi-government and private company work can be done at home through e seva kendra. The customer who wants to avail that facility can book an appointment from our website www.e-sevakendra.in or our customer helpline number +91-9723966296.
To book an appointment from the website visit www.e-sevakendra.in website. Then click on the service you want to avail that facility and fill the form for that service (name, mobile number, your area name and city name in the form) and then to submit the form. After submitting the form, a confirmation call will come from our executive officer from our helpline no. +91-9723966296, Who will tell you the date and time allotted for you over the phone. Only then your application for any facility will be considered valid.
After confirming the appointment on that day, the customer is requested to keep all the documents ready. So that as per the date and time given by us, our customer service representative can pick up the document from your place.
The number to make an appointment from the customer helpline number is +91-9723966296 and the time for booking an appointment will be from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM only.
E Seva Kendra Services List (e-sevakendra.in - Ahmedabad)